What is the Unity Study?

  • Led by E-RYT 500 Yoga Trainer and Christian Life Coach, Katie Pearson, Unity Study is a transformative book and Bible study that blends yoga philosophy's ethical lifestyle with Christ-centered spirituality and practices. Each week we will embody our call to be peacemakers through yoga, meditation, devotionals, and authentic community.
  • Yoga teachers can earn 40 CEUS accredited by the Yoga Alliance.
  • Anyone can sign up: those interested in putting their faith into action, those interested in a cross-cultural study to deepen their faith, yoga teachers and students in their communities who want to "let their life speak" love.

What will you need?

Purchase the book Yamas and Niyamas by Deborah Adele. Come to our first Zoom call on October 10th having read the chapter on Ahimsa or Non-Violence. We will provide our 40-page devotional and the online course that includes yoga practices, meditations, Zoom recordings, Zoom links for Tuesday calls starting October 10th, 11am -12pm MDT (10am PDT, 12pm CDT, 1pm EDT). 

  • Week 1: Ahimsa/Non-violence
  • Week 2: Satya/Truthfulness
  • Week 3: Asteya/Non-stealing
  • Week 4 - Brahmacharya/Non-excess
  • Week 5 - Aparigraha/Non-possessiveness
  • Week 6 - Saucha/Purity
  • Week 7 - Santosha/Contentment
  • Week 8 - Tapas/Self-discipline
  • Week 9 - Svadhyaya/Self-study
  • Week 10 - Ishvara Pranidhana/Surrender

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Unity Study Fall 2024$99

  • Total payment
  • 1xUnity Study Fall 2024$99

All prices in USD
